Missing the plot

1 minute read

I defended my PhD a month ago.
Preparing the defense was bizarre. Without a critical last week overview from my supervisors, I would have miss the plot.

Why? I spent three years digging a topic. When I began, neither me nor my supervisors had a complete view on it. This was about machine learning applied to the control of the injection molding process.
So I spent march preparing the defense at night, postdocing on days.

PhD defense slides

I wanted to use State Of The Art keynote tooling.
Like every academics, I have been into \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{Frankfurt}. So I builded a complete webapp with the great reveal.js. This was awesome. I was able to stream the plot in realtime on the web, integrate <iframe> and many interactive Plotly.js 3D plots.

Wait, but man was it ugly..
I strugle to design a nice looking template. And then, integrating multiple <img> in the same slide needed to master precise css margin-top: 1.45px metrics. When I show it a week before to it was still ugly. And it was mostly half finished. A shame when you had three years to did it.

PhD defense slides with reveal-md
PhD defense slides with reveal-md. Can you see those geeky web developper progress bars?

So I followed the experienced professors, and go with PowerPoint. Overnight, from Monday to Tuesday, it was completly redone with a slick design.

PhD defense slide in PowerPoint.
Final PhD defense slide in PowerPoint

PhD defense plot

Another big part of my strugling was the plot.
At first I tried to make an overview of my two hundred and a half pages manuscript.

Do not do that.

A defense is more like two or three papers put togethers with a catchy intro and many perspectives to guide the debate.

So, this was how I learned to PhD defense. Then, talking for three hours of my research was really easy and fun.

